Menai Holidays

Things to Consider When Taking Your Dog on Holiday

Taking your dog on holiday: time to get those tails wagging!

We here at Animal Friends have been daydreaming of a holiday ever since the first fall of an autumn leaf. We, however, like most of you, would love to include our furry friends in our holiday adventures! We recently came across Menai Holiday Cottages, who offer nearly 200 amazing North Wales holiday cottages that welcome dogs too, making the perfect solution.

With this in mind we have put together a list of a few things to consider when taking your dog on holiday with you.

Preparation is key

You’ve planned when and where and are counting the days down till your adventure. What do you need to remember? Make a list. Much like any member of the family going on holiday, dogs also need practically their own suitcase! Along with standard items like towels, bedding, food, toys, leads, collars, poo bags (a lot of poo bags!) hand sanitiser (for all those poo bags!) reflective/light up gear if you’ll be going out when it’s dark, food, and any medication they may be currently on. This may sound like pretty regular items, but they can easily be forgotten in the madness of packing. We all know someone who has forgotten their passport on the way to the airport after all!

Do your research

So you have arranged the perfect place to stay, dogs allowed, kids are happy, finally the wife/husband/partner is happy but then disaster strikes: everyone is hungry, at once, of course. You can’t find a place to eat that will allow the dog too, hunger is building, the squabbles start. If only you had planned ahead… This is why we recommend doing your research; finding a few pubs/restaurants/dog walking routes will make all the difference. These places can always be a good backup if you stumble across something better, but it is always best to be prepared!

Keep a routine

Dogs, much like humans, like routines. It keeps things ‘normal’ when taking your dog on holiday to a new place. With new sights and new smells, you can’t be certain that your dog will just adjust. This could be very scary and the sudden change may be unsettling for them. Keeping a routine is a great way to demonstrate that even though in a new surrounding everything else remains consistent. Trying to keep the same feeding and walk times is just one small way to keep things as stress-free as possible for your pup. If you’re particularly worried you can invest in a plug-in pheromone diffuser and make sure you bring items that smell like home to comfort your unsettled dog.


Although it is of course something we don’t want to think about, accidents or sickness can happen. Last thing you want is for your poor furry friend to become unwell and you don’t know where the nearest vet is. Having a plan in place for this should it arise will take part of the stress away leaving you to focus on your dog’s needs. Research the places you are planning on visiting and make sure you have a list of numbers and addresses of the vets nearest to you. Lastly, ensure your pet is up to date with all treatments and vaccinations. As you will be in an unfamiliar area, your dog could come into contact with other animals who perhaps have fleas, ticks or worms. Check your pet insurance, to ensure that you have cover should you need it.

Finally, have fun!

If taking your dog on holiday with you sounds like the perfect break, have a look at all our North Wales’ dog-friendly holiday cottages here.