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Cleaning stuff

With the weather recently it’s hard to believe spring is on the way. Now is the time to start thinking about spring cleaning your property ready for the busiest periods of the year. 

Below we list some of the most important things to consider when getting your property ready for the year ahead. These are also some of our most common areas for complaints. 

Gardens and Exterior

Over the winter period and particularly with the weather we have had, the outside of your property has probably taken a good old beating. 

  • A good wash-down of the windows, exterior and driveway will get rid of all that dirt, grit and sand. 
  • Make sure to check all the gutters for any foliage, you don’t want any blockages and leaks to occur. 
  • Your garden will probably have had its first cut in the coming weeks, make sure you keep on top of this as the weeks go by as the grass really starts to grow this time of year.
  • Give your garden furniture the once over, and make sure they are usable and clean. 

All these above will ensure that your guests first impressions on arrival will be positive and their holiday is already off to a good start. 

Refreshing your holiday let | Menai Holiday Cottages

Deep Clean

A thorough deep clean of the property is a must at least once or twice a year. Especially appliances in the kitchen such as the oven, fridge and freezer. Most of our complaints about cleanliness come from these areas. 


The autumn and winter months are usually when your fire gets the most use. As the weather begins to warm and it isn’t getting used quite so much, now is a great time to sweep the chimney and arrange any servicing. Guests may still want to use the fireplace during the spring and summer months, so ensuring it’s in full working order is important. 


A good old rummage through your cupboards is a great idea. You should have an inventory list of what you have at the property (if not we suggest having one). An inventory list and regular checks will ensure your guests have everything they need during their stay. This will help to reduce potential complaints. 


During the year your property sees a lot of action and a few scrapes and chips happen here and there. A quick refresh of the paintwork at the property inside and out really brings the property back to life. 

Refreshing your holiday let | Menai Holiday Cottages


Believe it or not, all of your linen has a shelf life and only keeps its quality for a certain amount of washes.

There’s a lot more to keeping your linen fresh than meets the eye, our friends over at Vision Linens (Vision Support Services) have given us their best tips to keep your linens fresh and lasting. Click here to read more!

Welcome packs

A quick check to see if all of your guest information is up to date whether it be alarm codes, equipment manuals or attraction leaflets is really important. For more tips on creating the perfect welcome pack, click here


Ensuring your public liability insurance, fire risk assessments and all electrical and gas safety compliances are up to date are very very important. 

Take a look at our blog on holiday let rules and regulations to see what you need in place to let out your cottage.


Now the sun is starting to make more of an appearance you may want to consider taking some updated pictures especially if you’ve changed anything at the property recently. Keeping these up to date ensures guests aren’t misled in any way when booking your property. 

If you need any help or guidance on anything discussed, then please do get in touch, we’re happy to help!

As a holiday letting owner you are responsible for compliance with health & safety laws, regulations and guidance, and for having suitable insurances in place (not Sykes Holiday Cottages or its brands (Sykes)). From time to time, Sykes shares information with you on the topic of health and safety and insurance. When it does so, it is not providing you with advice (legal, financial, tax or otherwise); please seek your own as you see fit. In addition, it is not making any representations or warranties about the information being complete or free from errors or inaccuracies. Sykes shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising under or in connection with your reliance on it.

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